Growing up among the trees
playing with the wind
I know the oak by touch
and the smell of spring

I spent my years somewhere and did something and studied other things. I really appreciate you being here, please contact me via info@thehumanenessproject.com
The Humaneness Project
Weaving a net of thoughts, ideas, community, exchange and inspiration to catalyze a new collective spirit, a new culture. Exmaining the deep, underlying myths of modern times, proposing new alternative thought and belief patterns to foster a truly humane and living collective spirit, encompassing the whole of our planet.
The roots of many modern dynamics lie in the implicit individual and collective relationship between us and the world. They lie in the myths and stories, the substructures of our world- and selfviews.
"The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think."
- Gregory Bateson
Fueled by a need and a dream
Seeing and feeling that modern human society is at a bottleneck moment in history, people all around the world gather, build, imagine and research new ways of collective co-existence in harmony with the planet. This project aims to
- Assist with the understanding of the multitude of problems
- Propose solutions
- Connect people, exchange insight
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
- Albert Einstein